Innovative Techniques for Public Involvement in Transportation Planning and Project Development (Completed 1997)

Performer(s): Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas
Sponsor(s): FHWA; Federal Transit Admin. (FTA)

To order:

Cynthia Williamson. FHWA , HEPH-1, 400 Seventh St., SW., Washington, DC 20590;
Tel: 202-366-2051; Fax: 202-366-3409. Email:


The study’s purpose was to identify and make available to practitioners innovative and effective public involvement and consensus-building techniques. There were five products: “Public Involvement Techniques for Transportation Decisionmaking”—a collection of short descriptions of more than 100 public involvement techniques (this is available on the Internet); three short case studies of field use of those techniques; and the revision/update of “Improving the Effectiveness of Public Meetings and Hearings,” the resource book used in FHWA’s basic National Highway Institute (NHI) public involvement course. All of the techniques for improving public involvement are compiled in “Innovations in Public Involvement for Transportation Planning.” The three case studies include: 1) “South Sacramento, CA, Light Rail Transit/La Lineal Del Sur,” which describes proactive involvement of large and diverse ethnic populations during project development; 2) “Public Involvement at Oregon Department of Transportation,” which describes how a State DOT uses a variety of public involvement techniques in both project development and statewide planning; and 3) “Metro Plan (Little Rock, AR) ‘Pouring Water on Dry Ground,’ ” which illustrates how a mid-sized metropolitan planning organization used varied techniques to begin public involvement early in long range transportation planning. “Improving the Effectiveness of Public Meetings and Hearings” was updated to reflect additions to the state of the art since original publication in 1978.

A Look at Our Nation’s Highways (Completed 1993)

Performer(s): FHWA
Sponsor(s): FHWA

To order:

Order Nos.: FHWA-PD-94-016; FHWA-PD-94-017; FHWA-PD-94-018.

For more information:

Harold Peaks. FHWA, HEPN-10, 400 Seventh St., SW., Washington, DC 20590;
Tel: 202-366-1598; Fax: 202-366-3409; Email:


A series of 3 brochures containing descriptions of 13 highway projects that used creative and thoughtful approaches to help resolve difficult design challenges. Subjects include linking transportation and recreation, preserving urban and historic districts and rebuilding bridges and communities. Titles: Preserving Urban and Historic Districts (#016); Linking Transportation and Recreation (#017); Rebuilding Bridges and Communities (#018).

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